About Us
Since its opening in August 2002 Dance West has grown from three students on enrolment day to more than 100 now!
Dance West as a ballet school offers children the opportunity to enjoy dancing in a happy and safe environment where everyone’s potential is acknowledged.
Children as young as three years old have the ability to learn at their own pace by way of a new and innovative programme by the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). Children are then encouraged to progress from this stage to the various levels where there is an opportunity to sit exams as arranged by RAD. There is also opportunity for children who have made significant progress to attend private lessons and participate in competition stage work. It is also traditional now that Dance West students take part in an end of year concert where even the youngest student has the opportunity to dance on stage before a large audience.
Since the beginning of 2010 we have been lucky enough to use the purpose built dance studio at Henderson High School. This has been equipped with professional dance flooring, full length mirrors, dressing rooms and barres.
All ballet gear is available for purchase during class time. There is a small amount of second hand clothing available, all new gear is at reasonable prices and can be paid off over the term if difficulties arise.
I am sure if you make the decision for your child to attend Dance West you will not be disappointed. You are more than welcome to come and watch classes before making your final decision.
We look forward to seeing you!
Yasmin-Li Gray MA.BA.RAD.RTS